Sunday, March 11, 2012


Surely you already know, or even closely acquainted with the animals are fond of eating the young leaves is not it? Snails can be found around us, usually located in a pile of bricks or tiles, or in other humid areas. Animals are classified as soft or animal is commonly called Mollusca from East Africa, then spread throughout the world in a relatively short time, this dikarena snails can breed with soft cepat.Selain as animal bones, snail is also a hermaphrodite animal or animals in pairs ganda.Berarti animal has two kinds of gamete cells in tubuhnya.Tetapi the snail, the two kinds of gamete cells are not ripe at the same time, so as to reproduce the two animals are still needed in order to achieve fertilization.

Snail body part is divided into four main parts: head, neck, legs, and tools dalam.Kepala snail has a pair of short tentacles which sized, tentacle functions as a sense of smell and a pair of long tentacles which serves as a sense of vision. One hallmark of snail can be seen in the mucus that is at the bottom of his head, information sourced from some of the article the results of googling, the snail slime is from the snail mucus glands muksosa.Fungsi to moisten her belly that serves as a foot, the snail stomach composed of strong muscles and bergelombang.Bisa we see, this snail will leave a trail of slime when it is running.

Benefits of snails which are:

1.Bekicot a source of high quality animal protein as it contains essential amino acids complete.

2.Sejenis known drug derived from Maulie called snail skin, which can cure diseases such as seizures, heart pounding like, can not sleep or insomania, swollen neck and diseases including white women.

3.Lendir on the inside of the shell can be used topically for cuts and rip cuts, as well as to accelerate the maturation of boils.

4.Dagingnya good for the treatment of liver disease and Hepatitis B.Biasa in this famous encounter, snail meat kebabs or chips made of snails.

potato (Solanum tuberosum)

Potatoes as one of the main sources of carbohydrates, the potato (Solanum tuberosum) can be processed in various ways, fried, boiled, baked, served with meat and vegetables, or as a cake mix.
These are things that make the plant was first cultivated in the Andes, Latin America became so popular until now
In some countries, plants are divided into 200 species meniadi even staple foods. With a simple shape, the potato has benefited very much, this is possible thanks to the content contained within it. For example, a high calcium mineral that is useful for maintaining healthy bones and teeth.

Water content per 100 grams of potatoes is 82 grams, with a value of as much as 2 grams of protein, calories as much as 70 kcal, and as much as 19 grams of carbohydrates. In addition to the contents, the potatoes also contain other substances such as iron and riboflavin are important for the bodySimilarly, the vitamins are in potatoes. Call it the vitamin C that in fact contain powerful antioxidants to ward off free radicals in the body. Therefore, in order to obtain the benefits of vitamin C with maximum potato choose a good condition - for example by choosing to not sprout, skin tight, no green spots, and there are no holes in its surfacePotatoes also contain several other vitamins such as vitamin B6 which plays a role in protein synthesis and metabolism. Vitamin B6 also plays a role in the metabolism of energy derived from carbohydratesHowever, in addition to some of the benefits earlier, potatoes also contain solanium, if such a substance enters the body will cause nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and headacheClean the potatoes prior to further processing and cooking with high heat is a step that can be done to eliminate the solanine content in it.

Rambutan ( Nephelium lappaceum )

Because the skin such as hair overgrown, it is a fruit native to Indonesia is known as the rambutan. In 1906, Indonesia had exported rambutan seeds to the United States. But unfortunately, rambutan can not live there. Now some countries, like Thailand and Malaysia known as an exporter of rambutan is already packed in cans.
Benefits of rambutan fruit very much at all. For health, rambutan fruit useful for toning muscles, upset stomach, and deworming medication. The roots can be brewed for drug fever, bark to treat diseases of the tongue, leaves as a remedy headaches, while the skin of rambutan fruit contain toxic saponin, but in Java, the skin of this fruit can be used as medicine by dried first.
Rambutan fruit stored in drug efficacy are priceless, according to an expert review of medicinal plants, fruit rambutan contains iron, potassium, vitamin C. sapai in every 100 grams (about 3 rambutan fruit contained 69 calories, 18.1 grams of carbohydrates, and 58 mg vitamin). Rambutan fiber content is also quite high, about 2 grams per 100 grams of fruit weight. This fits the character of the fruit consumed by the people who are dieting lose or maintain weight.
What about the rambutan fruit seeds? Apparently rambutan fruit seeds can also be utilized. Rambutan seeds are non-toxic and contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, which can meet the needs of the body of nutrients. Rambutan seed polyphenols also quite high in fat. Composition of chemical substances in rambutan seeds produced hypoglycemic properties (lowering blood sugar levels) so that the seeds of rambutan is widely used for alternative treatments to normalize blood sugar levels of people with diabetes (diabetes mellitus are likely to be high).

Kedondong ( Spandias mombin )

May already be familiar with the name of this fruit kedondong or dondong. Sweet and sour fruit that tastes a lot like people, especially to be used as salad or sweets. Even in the business world, the fruit kedondong also developed and made ​​various other forms of processed foods, like butter or lunkhead. BENEFITS OF FRUIT Kedondong was quite large, especially from the nutritional content is good for the body.
This thorny fruit with seeds derived from parts of eastern Indonesia. Internationally, the fruit with flavor masamnya awesomeness called by the name of Ambarella
The main content is in the fruit kedondong is an element in the form of sucrose sugar is important as an energy enhancer and vitality of the body. So is the fiber content and the water is high enough beneficial in digestion and prevent dehydrationIn addition, other benefits kedondong fruit is of low fat content, so the fruit is suitable as a snack food diet is refreshing. Moreover, carbohydrate and protein content is also low. In addition, there are also some people who use the fruit kedondong to treat and overcome injuries from burns and ulcers.

enormity of the health benefits of water for

Water who does not know, all humans would require the name of water or mineral water, because in our body contains 80% water, but many of us consume far less water in a day, as many do not know the benefits of water for our bodies . Below are the 10 benefits of water for our health.
  1. Balancing the body.
    Amount of water in the body, the function of organs also will be reduced and more easily disturbed by bacteria, viruses. However, the human body has a mechanism in maintaining the balance of incoming water intake and expenditure. Thirst in every man is a normal mechanism in maintaining the water intake in the body. Water body needs approximately 2 to 2.5 l (8-10 cups) per day. Total water demand is already including the water intake from food (such as soup, soto), beverages such as milk, tea, coffee, syrup. In addition, water intake was also obtained from the metabolism of food intake and metabolism in the body tissues.
  2. Water Helps Slow growth of cancer-causing substances, plus prevent kidney stones and heart disease. Drinking water will make the body more energy.
  3. As Stroke Drug
    Hot water not only used to treat various skin diseases, but also effective for treating paralysis, such as stroke. Therefore, water can help strengthen back muscles and ligaments as well as expedite the circulatory system and respiratory system.
  4. for Fertility
    Increase testosterone production in men and estrogen in women.
    According to research basil thrombosis of a research institute in London, England, if a person is always a cold shower then the blood circulation smoothly and the body feels fresh and fit. Shower with cold water will increase the production of white blood cells in the body and increase one's ability to attack the virus even a cold shower in the morning can increase testosterone production in men and estrogen in women. With so fertility and sexual excitement will increase. In addition it improves skin tissue, nails healthy and strong, not easily cracked. Well, for a lazy morning shower or bath lazy even to begin to change his habit tuh ...
  5. Maintain body fluid balance.
    Medical facts showed 60% of the human body consists of fluids. The functions of this fluid is untukproses digestion, absorption, circulation, saliva production, transport of nutrients and maintain body temperature.

benefits of honey for beauty

Benefits of honey for beauty if you want to stay young, stay fresh and fit despite old age, always drink regular honey, honey is a drug to enhance your natural self. That is why for a long time honey is used for facial beauty treatment, skin and hair.
- Masks of fasteners Mix 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg white, teaspoon glycerin (available diapotek and cosmetic stores), to become a kind of pasta. Apply gently on face and neck. Let stand for 10 minutes, lelu wash with warm water.

- Masque facial moisturizer
Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with a teaspoon of milk powder. Apply evenly on face and neck. Let stand 10 minutes then rinse with clean water.

- Mask-counter acne
Mix honey and oatmeal with the same ratio, averaged and used as a mask. Allow half an hour then wash, this mask is the removal of acne. There was also a dab 1 tablespoon honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder on your face before bed. The next day wash with warm water when done regularly every day for 2 minggi will cure acne up by the roots.

- Masks dry and dull skin
Mix 1 egg yolk, 2 teaspoons honey, and a handful of oatmeal to form a thick batter. Press the dough, press it on the face and neck gently. Let stand for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water. This mixture is suitable for dry and dull.

- Masks oily skin
Mix 1 tablespoon lemon or lime juice, 1 teaspoon of honey, and 2 egg whites. After the mixture fused apply on entire face. Let stand for 20 minutes so that the materials had to work and react mambersihkan and soften your skin. Then, rinse with warm water and pat it dry with a clean towel.

- Honey Papaya Mask
This mask for oily skin as well. Ingredients 1/3 cup cocoa powder, 3 tablespoons cream, 1/3 cup ripe papaya, 1/4 cup honey 3 tablespoons flour and oatmeal. Mix all the ingredients and how to use a face mask for 10 minutes wash with warm water. These masks are useful for removing stains on the face, remove all dirt, pH balancing facial, and make your skin soft glow.

- Eliminates stains and wrinkles
Dissolve the honey as much as 100 g in 25 ml alcohol and 25 ml water. Apply to the stain on the face.
- For mild acne skin
Combine 1/2 cup warm water and 1/4 teaspoon salt. By using a cotton bud to apply directly to the acne. Give a few minutes to soften the pressure of the last wash and pat gently to dry.